tisdag, april 22, 2008


Roja como la sangre,
negra como el azabache.
Es esa bandera, que nos llena de coraje.
So, you've reached a corner on the internet that seems to belong to mArtín - a romantic vikingo and buccaneer wannabe, an easy going dude with a taste for life. A guy that enjoys coffee, américa latina, laughing, rum, diving, machetes, sleeping, sun, zapatistas, the ocean, travelling, sex, music festivals, summer, friends, fair trade, carrots, autumn, walking, being drunk, gallo pinto, exploring, meeting new people...

A vagabundo decadente who like to spend as much time as possible with his friends but also getting lost alone in the dirty back streets of any Latina town.
Rojinegra used to be a blog, a voice and defender of the red and black. A melting pot that unfortunately was put to rest due to the lack of time but not commitment. Maybe it will rise again, maybe it will be but a dark shadow from the past. Please e-mail me to say hello at rojinegra@gmail.com

måndag, april 21, 2008


Vikingo at Carmelios bar, Cobán,
Alta Verapaz, Guatemala 2005.
Photo taken by Carlos Alfredo Cifuentes.
Drinking aguardiente at Black Sheep, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia 2007. Photo taken by Sammy Aerts.
At Ciudad de Ciencias y Arte. Primavera en Valencia, España 2008.
Photo taken by Sarvenaz Vakilizadeh